


"HUMAN IS WHEREVER NATURE IS" Painting/Photography Competition - with Prizes!

Western Languages and Literature

Dear Students
As KTUDELL (Karadeniz Technical University, Department of English Language and Literature), we are organising a photography/painting competition with prizes, symbolising the strong bond between humans and nature.

In this competition, which we have planned with the tagline ‘Human is Wherever Nature is’, we aim to re-introduce to people the natural beauties we encounter every day but do not recognise, through you. To this end, we have shared some sample visuals on our department website and social media which should shed light on where you can start.

You just need to send your photographs or drawings (oil, acrylic, watercolour, pastel, gouache, pencil) in high resolution to [email protected] until 11.04.2025, where nature, which is a mirror of the human, and the human, which is a reflection of nature, meet in a single frame.

The prizes and certificates of the top 3 works will be awarded at the Closing Remarks event, which is the closing ceremony of the semester, which we will organise at the AKM. We wish you all a pleasant search in advance.

For more information, please contact the department research assistants.