


2020-2021 Prep Proficiency Exam YÖS (Overseas students) 07.12.2020

The Prep Program

Dear students,

Congratulations and Welcome to Department of Western Languages, English Language and Literature. 

If you cannot meet the prep class exemption requirements, you should sit for the ONLINE prep proficiency exam on 07.12.2020 through the page of KTU, Distance Education (Uzaktan Egitim), Student, (Ogrenci), Faculty of Letters (Edebiyat Fakültesi), Prep Class (HZR101-Temel Ingilizce). Those students who registered on 24.12.20 and after can sit in this exam.

Time: 10.00 Grammar-Reading 

          13.00 Listening

          14.00 Writing

          15.30 Speaking

Important: The exam links will be accessible 5 minutes before the exam time, for example, the links for Grammar-Reading will be open from 9.55.

                 All sessions will be ONLINE. For the speaking exam, 1) the students should be prepared to be able to share their voice and video. 2) The students will show their ID card (Passport, for example) to the camera.

If you have any questions, you can write to [email protected]