A Commemoration Program Held at Our University on the Anniversary of the February 6 Earthquakes
A commemoration program was held at our university on the anniversary of the Kahramanmaraş-centered earthquakes, which deeply shook our country, affected 11 provinces, and were described as the "Disaster of the Century" on February 6, 2023.
The program took place in a field tent set up at the July 15 Democracy Square and was attended by our Rector Prof. Dr. Hamdullah ÇUVALCI, Acting Mayor of Trabzon Metropolitan Municipality Ahmet Yüksel GÜLAY, Trabzon Provincial Director of Disaster and Emergency Management (AFAD) Mustafa HÜSEYİNPAŞAOĞLU, our Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Bünyamin ER and Prof. Dr. Ali TEMİZ, Acting Secretary-General Prof. Dr. Cemil RAKICI, our University Search and Rescue Team, representatives from the Turkish Red Crescent (Kızılay), National Medical Rescue Teams (UMKE), AFAD personnel, our academics, and numerous guests.
"Once Again, We Have Shown the World the Strength of Our Unity and Solidarity"
The commemoration program began with a moment of silence and the singing of the National Anthem, followed by a recitation from the Holy Quran. During the opening speech, our Rector Prof. Dr. Hamdullah ÇUVALCI stated:
"On the morning of February 6, 2023, we woke up to a tragic disaster that deeply shook all of us as the Turkish Nation. In response, we stood together as one, both within our country and with our fellow citizens abroad, to immediately heal our wounds. Against this unprecedented disaster, we mobilized all our resources as a state and a nation, once again demonstrating the strength of our unity, brotherhood, and solidarity to the entire world. Today, on the anniversary of the 'Disaster of the Century,' we have gathered here for this commemoration program... I extend my condolences to the families of our citizens and students who lost their lives in the Kahramanmaraş-centered earthquakes and all other earthquakes, and I pray to Almighty Allah to protect our great nation and country from all kinds of dangers and disasters. I also express my gratitude to all personnel, search and rescue teams, and the Corporate Communication Office team who contributed to this event and the entire process."
Following the Rector’s speech, Acting Mayor of Trabzon Metropolitan Municipality Ahmet Yüksel GÜLAY took the floor and stated:
"The Kahramanmaraş-centered earthquakes did not only affect 11 provinces but shattered the hearts of 85 million people. This great disaster gave rise to one of the greatest moments of unity and solidarity in history. Just as our nation stood together in Çanakkale and the War of Independence, we once again became one. While we remember those we lost with mercy, we must also act with awareness of our responsibilities."
After the opening speeches, participants watched a video presentation titled "February 6: Traces in Our Memory." The program continued with presentations by:
- Prof. Dr. Ahmet Can ALTUNIŞIK, Director of our University’s Earthquake and Structural Health Application and Research Center ("The Reality of Earthquakes in Türkiye"),
- Uğur YALÇINKAYA, Civil Defense Search and Rescue Specialist ("Hope Under the Rubble"),
- Yunus FIRAT, who was trapped under the rubble during the rescue operations and later saved by our University’s Civil Defense Team ("Life After February 6").
At the end of the program, our Rector Prof. Dr. Hamdullah ÇUVALCI and the participants wrote their thoughts and feelings in the memorial book.
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